This is a great album by the way, I'm halfway through it and especially loving the production, everything's really clear in the mix that's what you get when you get the guy who mixed Master of Puppets to mix your album. BeneaththeDarkOcean July 21st Comments. His expressive vocalization really does help to make the occasionally over-dramatic storyline work. At times he reminds me of Geoff Tate. Nagrarok September 17th Comments. Willie Moderator July 21st Comments. mindcage our own devices

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mindcage our own devices

Thankfully, Mindcage includes them all in the, rather difficult to read, CD booklet. Ouur September 17th Comments. This conglomeration of influences allows the band to stick to a very traditional sound when a song demands it while still being able to push the intensity without sounding like an unattached tangent.

Mindcage - Our Own Devices (Special Edition) - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

At times he reminds me of Geoff Tate. Mindcrime this is not, but the album mostly lives up to its grandiose ideas and influences.

mindcage our own devices

I'm mmindcage on all the bands that have taken that blueprint and failed at reproducing it over and over again without any original thoughts in their heads.

At this point, Mindcage is a relatively unknown band, but that devies probably change once Our Own Devices has been released. Our Own Devices is an excellent extension of those classic progressive metal albums that existed before Images and Words messed everything up, but without sounding like a straight-up tribute to the past. While songwriting was progressing, personnel recruitment It's not really the album itself that messed it up, it's all the imitators.

devuces Tweet Recent reviews by this author. You have to be logged in to post a comment. All Rights Reserved No part of this this website, including decices and music reviews, may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. The aforementioned The Serenity Sequence is the softest piece with the duet vocals lilting over lighter guitar. Most everything moves upon the vocal arrangements expressing they lyrical concept and Dietrick Hardwick's blistering guitar work.

Mindcage Our Own Devices 3. It seems that for every great release there are ten content to engage in minutes of sloppy Dream Theater fellatio.

Our Own Devices Progressive Metal 5.

Wadlez September 17th Comments. The lyrics have that appropriate mixture clarity and vagueness that keeps the story somewhere between intriguing and mysterious. This is in large part due to the expressive vocals of Jeff Hignite. Our Own Devices is quite impressive: Progressive metal is a very hit-or-miss genre for me. Great review as always Trey, will check the YT link after work.

Musically, Our Own Devices runs the gamut from upbeat and intense to solemn and mellow as the storyline demands, and it is pretty well done. But Jeff Hignite makes the words come alive as he is a powerful and versatile vocalist with great range.

With the addition of vocalist Jeff Hignite, the band has reached the culmination of a long journey, their first full-length release Our Own Devices. BeneaththeDarkOcean July 21st Comments.

mindcage our own devices

I agree that Images and Words is a groundbreaking and classic album. In fact, if comparisons had to be made, they would be to the classic prog of early Fates Warning and Queensryche, but with a heavier vibe overall and enough originality to distinguish the band from their influences.

Willie Moderator July 21st Comments.

MINDCAGE – Our Own Devices

This is a great album by the way, I'm halfway through it and especially loving the production, everything's really clear in the mix that's what you get when you get the guy who mixed Master of Puppets to mix your album. It is a song-driven concept album featuring the theatrical vocals of Jeff Hignite and backed by a collection of excellent riffs, melodies and leads.

Although I am curious to hear how you think Images and Words "messed everything up", obviously it was a groundbreaking album. Progressive metal in the vein of early Fates Warning and Queensryche, with just enough modern flair to avoid simply being a tribute.

Cynic Traced In Air Remixed.


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